The more the scope and depth of the protest of the rebel masses against the pressure of exploitation and hunger, homelessness and misery becomes more resonant and widespread, the more the fire of youth anger against oppression and economic, political and social pressures, as well as the lack of freedom and the ruling injustices in capitalism ignites more. The more the reverberation of the struggle of women and girls of the working class against the anti-human gender apartheid, patriarchy, the imposition of aggravated exploitation and double oppression, becomes more striking, and, as our movement becomes broader, deeper, more radical, rebellious and stronger, the efforts of power-seeking oppositions become more hateful, conspiratorial and anti-human to swallow our rightful class rage.
The common denominator of all efforts, conspiracies and deceptions of the colorful bourgeois oppositions, from right-wing fascists to fake leftists under the name of “communism” is in one thing, and that, it will make our fight, rebellion and uprising empty from any anti-capitalist content and approach, and, up to this point, turn the demands, expectations and strongholds of our class struggle against capitalism into a type of anti-regime that lacks any horizon and content of class liberation. They read the misleading myth of populism in our ears and talk about dismantling the religious state and replacing it with a secular one, and Invite us to stand up against the dictatorship and sacrifice for democracy. The oppositions are trying to block the way of our radical class struggle against capitalism with the help of these deceptions, tricks and delusions, and by this means, they will confiscate the power of our class, the class that creates all the values and capitals, wealth and facilities. Based on historical experiences so far, the left and right-wing bourgeoisie, by benefiting from our strength and struggle, use it such as a platform to rise to the throne of political power, and also use it as a means of demanding their share in the capitalist state machine. What this group of political power traders wants from us workers is to focus all our efforts on the realization of these goals. This group of defenders of capital, private property and political power has an effective and enchanting weapon for deceiving us workers and hijacking the movement and dominating our great class power, which has a long list of terrifying religious barbarism, horrific gender apartheid and suffocation and massacre, repression and torture and moment-by-moment execution by the capitalist predatory Islamic regime in its argument and citation archive. This opposition, referring to this list of atrocities, concludes that now we must put aside all differences and prepare to overthrow the ruling religious regime together. The indictment of the opposition is popular and typical of all rebels who are full of courage and boldness, but of course delusional and simple-minded. It’s fascinating, because everything it says against predatory Islamic fascism is definitely correct, convincing and indisputable. Although the dimensions of the brutality and barbarism of this regime are thousands of times more than these claims, but, the opposition in a deceitful way covers the most decisive, fateful and vital facts. The right and left-wing spectrum of the bourgeoisie who seek power and sovereignty do not say that the Islamic Republic is a planning machine for the rule and order of capital. Just like the overthrown monarchy in 1979, it was a predatory capitalist state. They don’t say that the poverty and misery, hunger and homelessness of millions of workers and toilers, mass murders and the dictatorial and repressive machine of this regime, arise from the depth of existence of capital, from the nature of its capitalism. They do not say that the Islamic Republic committed and still commits these barbarities, not only because it is Islamic, but basically because it is the religious state of capital and capitalists. The opposition does not say that they are of the same kind of statesmen and the current beast of the ruling bourgeoisie, and that the day after the overthrowing of the Islamic regime, they will do exactly what the religious rulers of capital have done with the 60 million people of the working masses of Iran, and, also before that, the predatory and criminal royal regime of capital did. The deceitful and power-seeking circles of the opposition from abroad into inside the country, with all their strength, are covering the main core of the current movement. They do not say that what has driven the rebellious masses to the streets is not only the forced and reactionary hijab, it’s not just a religious dictatorship, not just Sharia and Sharia rules, although all this is certainly true, but there are more fundamental, important and more faithful than these. Hunger, displacement and homelessness, deprivation of doctors, medicine and treatment, being caught in the abyss of the most deadly diseases, feeling humiliated and not having hope for a free human life, a decadent and destructive education system, all of these are what have made us riot. Hatred that is definitely explosive and righteous, but this true hatred with all its glory and greatness, and this uprising with all its brave warfare and creativity, innovation and epic creations, but in the absence of awareness and recognition of the root of the pains, without touching the roots and foundations, without getting acquainted with the real perspective of liberation and the successful strategy of the class struggle, without these, it is not
just a good news of victory but it can bring another defeat. A defeat for 65 million men and women, young and old people of the working class, which is certainly an ascent to the pinnacle of hope for the deceitful bourgeoisie in opposition. This is the point that our current movement should think about in these critical moments and analyze it with a class-consciousness.
The overthrow of the Islamic Republic is something that must be done, but simply replacing one regime with another does not guarantee any real improvement in any field of social life of the working masses. With the fall of religious fascism, the mandatory hijab for women is abolished, also the anti-human laws of Sharia, such as the laws of inheritance, guardianship of man over woman, retribution and custody of children, will be abolished. But contrary to the false claims of the oppositions, nothing is reduced from the many other terrible miseries imposed on the lives of the working class. The reason is clear, because, poverty, hunger and homelessness, unhygienic and lack of medicine, deadly deprivation of medical and educational facilities, terrifying environmental pollution, brutal gender apartheid, rabid dictatorship, massacres and repressions and the complete lack of freedom, the absence of the most basic human rights, none of these will undergo any serious and noticeable changes just with the coming and going of regimes. The root of all this is not in the form, type and model of governance, but in the depth of the dominant mode of production, in the depth of the existence of capital and the capitalist system. By this, the worst and most terrifying form of brainwashing, the plague of thought engineering that capital has imposed on our lives and through all its intellectual, literary and cultural, political and juridical, media and ideological superstructures, spreads it like a tsunami, and thus it hides the main and real roots of miseries. The bourgeois power-mongering opposition has always and everywhere instilled in our consciousness that the foundation of all the problems lies in the incompetence, historical backwardness and religious reactionary, professional and ideological bias and dictatorialism of today’s rulers. They tell half-truths, but half-truths are always the ugliest, most poisonous and most deadly lies. Today’s rulers are definitely a bunch of monsters and deformed, petrified and fossilized creatures, and also anti-human dictators. This explanation is obvious, but first of all, these beings do not take their identity, character and thoughts, politics and ethics, behavior and planning pattern from the world of theology, but from here, rather, from this present world and in the context of certain social class relations, capital and the increase of the cycle of value increase and profitability as much as possible, the power of capital competition, obtaining a greater share in international added values, achieving a greater share, ownership and the power of capital rule globally. Secondly, and on this basis, all the deceitful and pretentious bourgeois oppositions, from the right to the left-wing are of the same kind as the ruling beast. Because the only difference between them is in the pattern, the type of planning and the order structure they rely on to impose the pressure of exploitation and all the barbarities and atrocities of capitalism on the workers and toilers masses. The essence of overthrowing and establishing regimes, in no place and in no era, under any name and badge and profession, has not and will not heal any pain from any part of the global working class. The source of poverty, hunger and displacement, exhausting and deadly work imposed on children, gender apartheid and all forms of deprivation of rights and oppression, war and creating crisis, destruction of nature and terrible environmental pollution, prison and torture, all of these lie in the existence of capitalism. This is what the deceitful bourgeois opposition, from the right to the left-wing, makes out of the reach of people’s consciousness and out of their sight. Regimes, any regime, religious or secular, predatory dictatorship, bureaucratic or fascist, liberal or social democratic, conservative or leftist, any governance at the top must be overthrown, but the overthrow of the regimes should be a moment, a step of the radical class and labor movement against wage slavery. Our current movement should become like this, and this is possible only if the entire working masses enter the field of class war as a single social class, an organized council and anti-capitalist power. A class consisting of workers of all work centers, educational centers at all levels, treatment network in all areas, transportation system, roads and ports, students and school boys & girls of the working class, with the banner of liberation of the wage-slavery, our movement, must take this path and enter this class battlefield. Here, the cry of the left-wing oppositions is much louder than the right-wing pessimistic opposition, which says “ that is fact that there is no opposition in the fight against capitalism, but without overthrowing the ruling political regime, no step can be taken in this direction”. This is the same ugly and hypocritical, degenerate and deeply misleading lie that the so-called leftist parties, hanging on the fake and bourgeois caricature from “communism”, have instilled in the brains of the working masses, till in order to follow this lie, turns the working class into obedient infantry in the war to seize political power and establish a certain model of wage slavery under the name of socialism. The nature and basis of this ugly left-wing strategy is as anti-worker, anti-communist and anti-human as the lies of the right-wing opposition about democracy, freedom and human rights are anti-worker and anti-human. The real struggle against capitalism, against the foundation of capitalist existence, is
absolutely not something that can be postponed until the days after the fall of the ruling political regime. This is just a strategic conspiracy to delay and make impossible any step towards a real anti-capitalist campaign. The working masses must always, always and everywhere, in all spheres of social-human life, be engaged in a class war against capitalism, this is a debate that the movement to abolish wage labor and anti-capitalism has written numerous books, thousands of articles and documents to explain point by point. Our current movement should see the overthrow of the Islamic Republic as a moment, as a step and an integral part of its ongoing struggle against capitalism. We cannot and absolutely cannot consent to the replacement of a religious government by a secular one, or one regime with another one. Referring the anti-capitalist campaign to the days, months and years after the overthrow of the Islamic Republic is a dirty deception of the bourgeoisie under the guise of leftism, and we have a class hatred for it.
Our decisive message to the labor comrades, the entire working class, is to get ready to remove all work and production centers, ports and docks, transportation network, healthcare system and education, water and electricity network, gas and oil system and all distribution centers from the hands of the capitalist class and the capitalist state. Let’s expand the class war to these areas, this is the real field of our class battle. It´s by the concentration of class forces of the workers in these areas that the dream of any bourgeois opposition to confiscate the workers’ anti-capitalist movement becomes a nightmare for the bourgeoisie itself, and thus neutralize the sinister plan of every spectrum of the opposition to deceive and seize the power of the class struggle of the workers. Let’s get ready for this great liberating campaign, for this, we have no choice but to organize ourselves in anti-capitalist councils. Many people talk about the councils, ask about the councils also, and demand a clearer explanation of the opinions about the council movement. In this specific context, we anti-capitalist workers have written and said in our publications. We, the anti-capitalist workers of Iran, have published a lot of articles and analysis, reviews and writings. The foundation of our discourse about councils is to emphasize their anti-capitalist, realist and praxis, radical and down-to-earth nature. The real class war against capitalism cannot adopt any other substrate of struggle than the Councils. Appealing to parties and sects is not a way of class struggle against wage slavery, but simply a funeral and burying the power of class struggle in the bourgeois cemetery, it´s replacing one model of the capitalist system with another one.
Let’s raise a flag and fight alongside it, which will be the proof of our true campaign for the real liberation of humans.
The anti-capitalist workers of Iran
Nov. 2022