It seems that many workers wonder what is the workers´ council ? what are the characteristics of the workers´council movement ? what is the difference between union and council organizing , and what is the difference between a party organization and a council movement . Are these necessary for or are contradictory to each other ? and finally , what´s the anti-capitalist council movement and what´s its subject ?
The answers to all these questions have been described by anti-capitalist activists and the abolition of wage labor in numerous articles, short or detailed. But as long as there is capitalism, as long as the labor movement is forced to fight against capital and to destroy capitalism, the discussion of the anti wage-labor , the council movement against wage-slavery will also be hot and the dialogues will continue. The present discussion is based on the headline explanation of the answers to the questions due to their special importance in the current situation of the day. The workers´ movement is fundmentally a council movemment because it´s been born in council and anti-capitalist movement , growth and development , assertive and maturity , resistance and expansion and nationwide , achieving victory and be international and finally , the fulfillment of its glorious historical role as the true movement for the liberation of humankind depends on its council and anti-capitalist existence. Exactly for this reason or under the pressure of this fact, is alive and on the verge of a storm of historical events and that´s why the anti-human system of wage slavery also tries to block all paths for the growth and expansion of the council organizing and struggle of the working class , and replace it with any other kind of misguided one. Council organizing isn´t an academic theorizing, discovered by no philosopher , academia or institute and it´s not the result of the consciousness of the scholars of the ruler classes. Council organizing is the most natural, accessible and terrestrial and at the same time the most radical and uplifting form of life, protest, assertiveness, alignment of power and historicization of the working masses. Workers working together ,they´re exploited and slaughtered and annihilated together by capital, they live together and have to protest unitedly and sympathetically for any change in their current circumstance. Bonding, unity and solidarity in the stronghold of the council, cooperation and the unity of the council action emerge from the deepest commonalities of material and turbulent of life. The working masses do not derive their council organizing from any source of belief, political doctrine, or professional belief. For this type of event of coordinating and organizing do not need to require the issuance of any license, statement, bylaws of association or creed. By becoming a worker, a worker is a human being who is deprived from interfering in the destiny of their work, production and life. Capitalist production dissolves their physical and intellectual existence more and more ruthlessly and plaguefully within itself, and turns them into obedient , passive and involuntary components of profit generation. The same process, the same cycle of value creation and self-increase of capital, spontaneously, the whole existence of consciousness, thought and will, the power of discernment, the path of knowledge and the process of construction of humankind personality are made also the prey of legality, order and state and governance, civilization and law, ethics and criteria and social values. The workers must fight this situation, their class struggle is only a manifestation of power, resistance and any degree of victory that with a passionate, planned and collective effort to prevent physical and intellectual melting in the capital production cycle and to avoid burial in the structure of oder, law and civilization and democracy, the consensual patterns of capitalism. The workers’ movement has no choice but to take the path of nationwide organizing of the council in order to become anti-capitalist and to manifest itself in the development and act of the independent power of the working masses. Capital from the beginning of its genesis , from the very moment of emergence of the worker too, capital tells the worker that wage labor is the only means of subsistence, the continuation of life and the inevitable destiny of his&her life !! it insnuates to the worker that if they want a penny more wages then they must increase the profit of the capital many times over, the more they work the deeper they are worn out, they strengthen the foundations of “national industry” by eroding it as severely as possible and increase the competitiveness of social capital and galacticize the share of the country´s capitalists in international surplus values. Capital warns the worker that in order to achieve these goals he must be a component without any will for the cycle of capital production and the order of capital, and sanctify the laws of capitalism !!, respect the rights of the capitalist prescription !!, and consider the security of capital as the security of their own lives !! and they consider the “election” scenario of the bourgeoisie as their own “free and conscious choice” !! and the government of capital will be considered as their own institution of power. Capital everywhere truns , in any realm of workplace, education, life and upbringing and all the pores of society and from all the tribunes, with all the tools and facilities and with the help of a huge army of political and intellectual, clergyman and economical representatives, journalist, sociologist and lawyer, psychoanalyst and intricate brainwashing networks, training and induction of petrification into the life and consciousness of working masses. The workers´ movement must be in conflict, challenge and resistance in the midst of a devastating and all kind of poisonous instincts which are the guardian of survival of the capitalism. The labor movement must take an approach and build strongholds of resistance that will be strong guarantor of its conscious and awake class alignment, every step of its struggle must be combined with effort , deliberation, solution-seeking in order to organize its independent power against wage slavery. Syndication and party building and following under any name and with any banner, not only aren´t a substrate for this, and it has no congruence and relevance but quite the opposite, only the mechanism of total burial and all power of struggle of the working masses are in the structure of the order of capital. the council movement isn´t a movement of consultation of the working masses in any form and with any strategy. Whatever it´s the identity symbol, identifier and criterion of recognition isn´t the existing form of relations and interactions of workers, but the nature of their coercive struggle, uninterrupted in everywhere. it´s anti wage-slavery that defines the council or the form of organizing, it´s not the council itself that distinguishes this type of organizing from other forms. Opposition to capital isn´t just a struggle against exploitation and injustices created by capitalism, but also the struggle against the basis of human objectification and catastrophic replacement of the relations between them with objects. Because the class struggle of the working masses to be anti-capitalist, in the direction of destruction of capitalism and abolition of wage labor there´s no substrate other than the council to organize itself. The party is merely a means of replacing one form of wage slavery with another and the union and syndicate is only the instrument of the stinking capitalist civil and legal market for sale and buying at no cost of class struggle of the working masses. If the workers are really in a state of war against capital and for the destruction of capitalism so they have to organize themselves in council. The anti-capitalist class struggle demands that we don´t see to be workers and sale of labor force as the fate of our lives, and don´t depend our present and future on wages and demand complete control of all human beings over the destiny of our work, production and life and insist on the free, informed and equal, creative and influential involvement of all members of society in the planning of work, production and collective of social life. It has to call for the active and equal involvement of all human beings in determining what is produced or not and how much, what is necessary or not, which works or productive activities are the real need of life, the foundation and guarantee of our most glorious intellectual and physical excellence and what products and works cause our ruin and destruction. The anti-capitalist struggle warns us and resonates in our consciousness that any reduction in destructive gender discrimination, misogyny and patriarchy, erosive and destructive domestic work, any amount of freeing children from the need for work but paving the way for their education, growth, nurture and maturity of their human flourishing, eradication of poverty, hunger and displacement, dictatorship and all forms of suffocation and repression, massacre of basic human rights and freedoms, all of these depends on the organized, conscious and interventionist, global and equal alignment of the largest masses of our social class, the working class. If the working masses do so and turn their current class struggle on this track they have no choice but to form a council organizing, nationwide anti-capitalist and anti wage-labor. The foundation of the council and the council movement is to avoid the masses of workers from hanging on to the law, the order and power institutions of capital, rather, it relies on the decisive and power consisting of the intervening and influential presence of all workers and collective united efforts of all to enhance the effective capacity of each worker and nationwide class struggle to pave the way for these interventions and effectiveness. The workers are council-linked at the core of their lives, protest and class war, the council isn´t a discovery and isn´t a theory created by institutes but it´s the coercive sentence of life and class struggle of the working masses. This is capital, the predatory reaction of the bourgeoisie, all kind of left and right-wing parties, unions and syndicates that all together or rival and hostile but in any case, according to the institutional version of capital demands that the working masses be hung to the law, legislation and state of capitalism, parties and syndicates as mechanisms for integration the labor movement into the value-added cycle of capital and in “the best case” a replacing one model of capitalism with another.
Mazdak KoohkanFeb. 2022