I cirka 10 månader har tusentals palestinier, svenskar, asiater och latinamerikaner gjort Sveriges gator, torg och universitet...
The class battle against exploitation and plunder of the products of labor
For about 10 months, thousands of Palestinians, Swedes, Asians, and Latin Americans have made the streets, squares,...
workers، my comrades all over the world! Struggle is the inevitable and inevitable thing of our life;...
Adapted from the article “Labor movement and the approach of abolishing wage labor “ The approach of...
The record of the world working class in connection with the criminal war of the predatory poles...
(Part 3) The Islamic Republic and labor movement The Islamic regime bears the burden of all these...
( Part 2 ) The Islamic Republic had adopted a special model for the transfor of capital...
( Part 1 ) Previously, there´s been a lot of talk about a great defeat of 40...
Class struggle is exerting of the power of opposing fundamental social classes against each other . Within...