You undoubtedly have a decisive and important role in the current struggles of the world today and in your society in particular. A fact that no one can deny. Historically, it has been so. The protesters of the 20s and 30s were, in general, the youth of today in Iran. The struggles of the student youth in the 40s and 50s, despite the increasing severity of repression and the Tatar hounding of the Shah’s octopus SAVAK, constituted a chapter in the history of society. The two great guerrilla organizations, the Fedayeen and the Mujahedin-e-Khalq, were founded by the youth and went to war against one of the most ferocious dictatorships in the history of capitalism amidst fire and blood. The vast multitude of people who, from the beginning of the establishment of the genocidal Islamic capitalist regime, filled the ranks of the organizations opposing the regime with their lives, demonstrated the most magnificent resistance in prisons, and created the most passionate epics in the “uprisin”, were predominantly young people. The vast labour uprisings of 2017 and 2019, and finally the reformist protests, the pro capital two years ago, called “Women, life freedom,” were launched by the young generation of the working class. Movements with various approaches and goals, whose backbone was formed by young people. Struggles and uprisings that were all suppressed and defeated. The condition of awareness and the urgent need. for awakening is that we learn and turn failures into lessons for a successful campaign
We live in a capitalist society. A society whose members are divided into two opposing and hostile social classes. About 80 percent of are workers industrial, commercial, “service” workers, agricultural, road, construction, mining, port workers, writers, translators, artists, drivers, teachers, nurses, paramedics, cleaners, technicians, and office workers are all workers and sellers of labour power. They are separated from their work and exempt from any involvement in the fate of their production, life, and work. The other side are factory owners, landowners, owners of transportation networks, merchants, marketers, statesmen, lawyers, ministers, commanders of the army, the police, religious authorities, owners of trusts or medium and large industrial, financial, educational, and service enterprises and institutions, in short, the capitalist class. We have had this situation for decades. It was exactly like this during the reign of the capitalist monarchy. The generation before the revolution, our class, through hard and exhausting work, created a galaxy of capital, and precisely this capital it created, in the ownership of the capitalist class, determined the fate of its life, work, and production against it. The predatory regime of the Shah was the octopus’s machine of capitalist power, and everything it did, from the ruins of poverty, misery, displacement, lack of medicine, treatment, education, and shelter on us, to imprisonment, torture, execution, and other atrocities, was entirely for the survival of capitalism and the imposition of this terrible, inhuman fate on our class. It was the owner of capital that decided about employment, livelihood, education, treatment, the level of social rights, and freedoms. Our lot was unemployment, hunger, deprivation of treatment, doctors, hospitals, schools, and universities, humiliating gender and ethnic discrimination, and the suppression of thought and thought. Our class took up the banner of revolution to fundamentally change its situation. But he considered every mirage to be water. Instead of seeking anti-capitalist overthrow, our class fell into the delusion of seeking to capitalism by the idea of capitalism or change the capitalist state model. In this regards the attached himself to any saints of deception and ignorance, and the result of its campaign was a capitalist Islamic regime of terror and fear.
Different sections of the capitalist class have always and everywhere been fighting over the shares of profit, ownership and power of capital. The internal conflicts and disputes of the capitalist class always drown the protests and struggles of the working masses. In Iran, under the rule of the monarchy of capital, a large part of the capitalist class was not like the upper class in terms of the share of ownership of capital, the amount of profits, and especially the role in the structure of state power, and they suffered from a smaller share of ownership and power! In this regard, the critics and of course the cowardly, submissive, reactionary and pre-medieval critics were the Shah or the big capitalists and his imperialist partners. They covered their needs and expectations in the guise of Islam. The Pahlavi monarchy and their imperialist partners, also in mortal fear of the workers’ struggles and in competition with the powerful camp of state capitalism of the day, which falsely carried the banner of “communism”, began to exploit the hysterical anti-workerism and communist killing of this medieval religious pendant on the widest scale. By allocating funds to the clergy, compulsory teaching of religious teachings in schools, and extensively dedicating radio and television to the propagation of religion and the veneration and veneration of religious rituals, the Shah saw the Imam Reza and the Imam mehdi in his dreams every night. He called himself the “only Shiite government” in the world. With these and many similar actions, he opened the hand of this ultra-reactionary opposition to brainwashing the workers. A huge opportunity from which the predatory and anti-humanist religious bourgeoisie also sought the most galactic benefits, and in conditions where no worker in his dark, residential quarters could utter the word politics. This section of the bourgeoisie made Sarakhs in the north to Asaluyeh and Makran in the south to the Bazargan border its territory of organizing power. In every elementary school, high school, and university, he established an Islamic association. He filled all libraries with religious books that promoted the compatibility of Sharia and science!!, the intertwining of civilization and religion, “Islamic anti-oppression”!!! and this kind of nonsense. The workers of Iran in general, including the young generation of the working class, were unable to find the true path of their class struggle under the rubble of the pan-Islamist, reactionary, and many other delusions. They sought the root of their misfortunes not in capitalism but in “dependence on imperialism”!! They allowed Khomeini and the degenerate bourgeoisie, exhumed from the ancient graves of history, to spread their deception and promise independence, a just government, support for the oppressed, and bringing oil money to the workers’ table and free water and electricity. The workers, unable to adopt an anti-capitalist strategy, submitted to the leadership of the fascist opposition. This is an ugly accusation that we were lovers of religion!!! Of course, we hated Cyrus, Darius, Anu Shirvan, and the kings, but at the same time, we avoided the deceitful cleric and the fraudulent religious authority just as much. Even in the late 1960s, the religious market was so sluggish and sluggish that the Shiite clergy cried out to the heavens about the irreligion of the youth and the people, and the empty mosques.
This is what happened to us, and we were defeated under the pressure of misguidance. On February 11, 1979, while we were holding the entire revolution and the chains of the worst defeat were locked around our hands and feet, a large part of us wrongly and ignorantly considered ourselves victorious!!! But the problem did not end there. We did not just fail, we did not even learn a single thing from this defeat, everything we did later was evidence of our free, terrifying fall and thousands of times worse sinking into the swamp of capitalist dependence, corruption, and degeneration. We left the mosques correctly, but not by the knowledge of the idea of anti-capitalist consciousness, but capitalist dependence, and for this very reason we turned to the radio or tv. of (man-o-tho) so heinously!!! We rightly called the “declaration scholars” the great men of deceit, savagery, crime, and murder, but not with a clear class consciousness against capof”ism, but on the contrary, capitalist dependence and we forcibly retreated, to the point where we thought of exhuming the graves of Cyrus and Reza Khan the murderer, on a par with the beasts of the religious ruler of the day of capitalism. Very shamelessly, we talked about good capitalism and philanthropic capitalists!!! We replaced the anti-imperialist people’s version of the twisted version of the Soviet camp bourgeoisie with the terrible and terrifying capitalism of the 21st century!!! We replaced the false anti-imperialist struggle of yesterday with the fake democracy of today that is hundreds of times more deceptive and the civil movements of the engineered fever of this or that section of the reactionary bourgeoisie.
Dear young people of the working class, raised in the conditions of work and exploitation of your class!
The addressee of this short writing is you. Forgive us if we speak frankly and harshly. As the poet says, “Until the heart catches fire, do not speak a word of burning.” Whether you know it or not, whether you are willing to listen or not, sooner or later you will certainly realize that unfortunately you have not learned much from the past, from the chain failures, massacres and historical holocausts inflicted on previous generations of workers, like your predecessors, you are even worse captives of misguidance. The top and bottom of your ideals are “democracy” and “human rights” and “industrial development of capitalism” and such superstitions. Democracy is not a solution to any problem of our class. The most golden democracies are a trap of deception by various sections of the bourgeoisie to turn the masses of our class into humble and humble servants to settle their internal scores and a weapon of their consensus against us. It is not in vain that Trump, Netanyahu, Reza Pahlavi’s mafia, the People’s Mojahedin of the Resistance Council, all the bankrupt Iranian oppositions of the right and left, are all hard-working flag-bearers of democracy and heartbreakers of religion and the leaders of pro-democracy struggles. Democracy-seekers shout that “government by the people” is the key to solving every problem!! Workers and capital owners both have one vote!! Complete equality reigns!! This is the dirtiest lie in the history of human life.
Which equal vote??!! Which equal rights?!! Which social and human rights??!! Shamelessness also has a limit. The worker is a being separated from his work and deprived of any kind of intervention in the fate of his production and life. He is a wage slave deprived of any real freedom, rejected from the slightest human right. What he “throws into the ballot box” is not a “vote” but the absolute surrender of his will, authority, rights, freedom and everything to a handful of ruling capitalist beasts. He is a seller of labour power and by selling his labour power, he loses more than 90 percent of his work and production. He receives the remaining 10 or 5 or 3 percent only because – if he does!! – he reproduces his labour power not for himself, but only for the capitalist and makes it ready for resale. This is the position, place and objectivity of the worker’s existence and survival in the world of capital. His voting is also precisely voting for the legitimacy of this monstrous system of humanity burning, filled with savagery, barbarity, holocaust!! You call this equality, freedom, right??!! If you don’t do this!! Why do you open your mouth to praise democracy and love democracy to its fullest??!! Isn’t it that “the worker and the capitalist have equal voting rights”!!! The magnificent manifesto declaring the identity of democracy is the most golden, the most radiant of democracies??!! What is the worker supposed to gain from this democracy, a twisted version of the rabid and corrupt reaction of the bourgeoisie and the object of your epic sanctification and praise??!!! A fundamental and vital question for you is whether you have even thought about the excitement and enthusiasm of your democracy, civilization, and human rights campaigns??!! Whether your answer is yes, or no? It is equally disastrous. If yes, you have the collar of the capitalists and the military pawns on your consciousness, if not! You have unthinkingly and unknowingly become agents of the bourgeois opposition’s seizure of power and have determined to push the vast mass of workers, their fathers and mothers, and their fellow sufferers and chained people into the same mire?!!
The essence of our words as working people to you, the children and youth of our class, is very clear, clear, and resonant: democracy and the clamor of the civil movement, “Women, Life, Freedom,” green, purple, yellow, blue campaigns, involvement in this and that scandalous bourgeois opposition, saying Iran, Iran, and chanting “Homeland, Homeland,” not only do not sprinkle any water on the burning volcano that is swallowing our existence, but only contribute to its further and more explosive ignition. The problem of the Iranian working class with democracy, the dissolution of the Guardian Council, the dismantling of the Velayat Faqih, “free elections,” and the bourgeois human rights not only does not find an opening, but it does not undergo the slightest reduction. The root of poverty, misery, homelessness, hunger, gender apartheid, environmental pollution, the terrifying deprivation of medicine and treatment, education, the existence of dictatorship, prison, torture, and execution lies in the existence of capitalism. As long as the system of wage slavery remains established and dominant, all of this will exist. You will surely say that this is not so!! Europe, America, Canada are also capitalists, but the working masses have bread, schools, doctors and medicine, their protests are not suppressed like here, they do not rot in dungeons and do not end up in firing squads. These points are not apparently lies, they are apparently true, the fundamental problem is that they are only half the truth, and half the truth is usually the most terrible lie. Your ideas are also a clear and naked example of this half-truth and inevitably a terrifying lie. Several Western and Northern European countries, as familiar, correct and famous examples of your claim, responded favourably to the acceptance of some of the demands and expectations of the working class in certain historical conditions. You have seen, read, heard, accepted this, proclaimed it throughout the world, made it the guiding light of your campaign. You have done these things but have never committed yourself for a few minutes to a conscious, working, humane, class and liberationist dissection of the issue. The capitalist class of several Western and Northern European countries did this when:
1- The labour movement of the continent, with its glorious and rebellious historical, humane, emancipatory, anti-capitalist flourishing, had sounded the death knell of the wage slavery system
2- The capitalism of these countries, thanks to the infinite export of capital to the ends of the world, its dominant position in the world market, its enchanting competitive power, its dominant role in the process of forming prices and rates of profit, and its domination of the world’s underground reserves, was pouring towards itself the greatest share of the international surplus values resulting from the exploitation of all the workers of the world. The capitalists of the aforementioned countries, in partnership with the governments, trusts and capitalists of Asia, Latin America, Africa, and elsewhere, were making the pressure of exploitation of billions of workers deadly and unbearable. They were simply relying on their domination of such raging oceans of surplus value that they were willing to reduce the intensity of the pressure of exploitation of the workers of their “own society” for just a dirham and a dinar!! Let us emphasize once again that they even agreed to this only in a situation where they saw the survival of capitalism and their own capitalist existence in imminent danger. All that has been and is being discussed in history under the name of the welfare society, human rights, and democracy has been this. What has been going to the archives of history for years. 21st century capitalism, capitalism is the explosion of the inherent crises of capital, capitalism is the volcano of the inherent contradictions of the wage slavery system, capitalism is the relentless attack on the last remnants of the empty bread of the working masses and its conversion into the profit of capital and the capitalist class. You have not thought about this or have not pondered it deeply and from the conscious perspective of your class and do not believe it, democracy is a scenario of capital’s deception to shut down the anti-capitalist class struggle of the working masses. Nevertheless, democracy has more or less a cost for the bourgeoisie. Global capitalism is a long time old and, under the deadly spur of crises, is neither willing nor able to bear these costs. That is precisely why, instead of democracy, it relentlessly breeds fascism, it breeds fascists as far as the eye can see, the cycle of producing fascism does not stop for a minute. The Islamic regime of Iran, Le Pen, Bin Laden, Heinz-Christian Strache, Abu Bakr Baghdadi, Trump, Boko Haram, Tino Chrupalla, Ahmed Al-Sharaa, jimmie åkesson, and the like.
Here, let us insist on this very fundamental point with the utmost awareness that the idea of a distinction and difference between these beasts and their other competitors and partners, with the Khatamis, Macrons, Obamas, Bidens, Putins, Shea, Starmers, is a deeply false illusion, repeatedly and misleading to the core. All of them are the same head and bottom. They are all rabid hyenas and boars who guard the system of wage slavery. The top and bottom of their existence and the role they play is the ever more terrifying spillover of the crashing and destructive crises of capitalism on the working class, whether it exists or not, and the war against the workers of the world with the aim of preserving wage slavery.
Working class youth!
The foundation of capitalism is based on imposing absolute injustice on 80% of the working population of the earth, the absolute deprivation of freedom of this 80%, the complete elimination of choice, and indeed any form of free choice of the overwhelming majority of humanity, on depriving the global working class of any right to intervene in determining the fate of work, production, and life. Why do you allow yourself to consider the relationship of surplus value production, wage labor relations, as a free and legitimate human relationship? When you talk about establishing democracy, you are nothing but calling this same man-killing hell, by changing its deceptive government model, a paradise of freedom and human rights! Isn’t this the capitalists’ practical role in imposing a system of wage slavery on workers and direct participation in perpetuating absolute injustice, absolute freedom-killing, absolute human choice-killing?? Your working fathers and mothers in the capitalist hell of Iran, of their entire 8 to 16-hour daily work, at best, assuming they have skills and expertise, only work 5 to 15 percent for themselves, the remaining 85 to 95 percent becomes the capital of the capitalist class and the capitalist octopus’ state. In every corner of the capitalist world, as far as exploitation, the intensity of capital exploitation is concerned, the same situation prevails, sometimes with a slight difference. In the most golden democracies, “welfare societies”!! The intensity of capital exploitation is explosive. By what human criteria!! do you call this atrocity right and freedom??!! We expect you not to do so.
This is not the way; it is the darkness of the pathless. It does not even have any sign of realizing the minimum human rights and basic human freedoms. Instead, take the real path of the anti-capitalist campaign, against the source of all exploitation, the black market. The hard-working defenders of capitalism, especially the left-wing spectrum of the community, under the impetus of indifference on the one hand, and extreme religious prejudices on the other, have always, in all periods, tried to stamp the talk of the anti-capitalist struggle with the stamp of utopia!! They are morepriestly than the Pope, more frantic than the police and the bourgeois army, spreading the slander that: “Abolition of wage labor” considers the struggle of the workers for livelihood, welfare, and bread as reprehensible!!, They only give the order to destroy capitalism!! They can wallow in their ideological indifference and bigotry until the day of judgment, but our word is against their false insinuations. The theme and backbone of the word is that our daily struggles must establish the nature, direction, content, horizon, and burden of anti-capitalism. Only in this way will we gradually impose our demands for livelihood, welfare, medical care, education, environmental protection, anti-apartheid, rights-seeking and freedom-seeking on the capitalist class and its government. It is by adopting this path that we can defeat capitalism step by step in each trench, by passing through the world of twists and turns, and finally destroy it. The struggle against wage labor is not the sentimentalism of a few idealists. The approach that guarantees the homogeneous, growing, and victorious integration of the current struggles of the day with the war for human liberation. The essence of the words is that today, wherever we are, in all areas of the campaign, we shout that:
1- Food, clothing, housing, water, electricity, gas, household appliances, education, medicine, treatment, transportation, and health must be removed from the control of capitalist monetary and commodity trading. Housing with the necessary facilities is the inalienable right of every individual. Every human being, household, and cohabiting person will have the right to receive all their subsistence and welfare needs in sufficient quantities, without any restrictions, by referring to existing distribution centres.
2- Any form of government interference in the lives of individuals, from clothing, marriage, recreation, male-female relations to culture, belief, expression of thought, protest, organization, and political and social activities, must be stopped
3- Reducing and challenging gender apartheid depends on the campaign against capital and the destruction of the mechanisms created by capital to brutally intensify exploitation and multiply the oppression and subordination of women. Domestic work is among the most important of these mechanisms. The domestic work of millions of women in the form of raising a workforce, caring for children, the disabled, the sick, the elderly, being a housemaid for capitalists, cooking, sewing, is unpaid work that is appropriated by the capitalist class, the capitalist state. On the one hand, this huge surplus work makes the capitalists’ profits roar, and on the other, it plunges millions of women and girls into the swamp of decay, exhaustion, disease, gender apartheid, deprivation of education, growth, and social facilities. The situation of this type of work must be disrupted by making all the necessities of life and welfare of humans free. Any form of economic dependence of women on their husbands and children on their parents must be eliminated. If a step is to be taken towards challenging gender apartheid, it must start here.
4- The root of all environmental pollution lies in the cycle of production and capital appreciation. The way to combat environmental pollution is to shut down all production, waste, pesticides, all materials and supplies that capital uses with the aim of reducing the cost of discovery, extraction, exploitation, storage of goods, planting, possession, harvesting of crops, organization, and sale of industrial products.
5- In order to impose the above demands on the capitalist class and its government, a nationwide, council, anti-capitalist movement must be united and organized. An organized council movement against wage labor must be established. A movement that will be the stronghold of the daily struggle, a school of awareness, education, human maturity, a manifestation of historical growth, creative, penetrating, council, equal intervention of humans in determining the fate of work, production, life, and the broad and comprehensive preparation of humanity for its ultimate liberation.
! Working class youth
It is time to remove the head of capital from your working body. Pack up the bags of democracy and civil movements and throw them into the swamp of history. Get ready for the anti-wage slavery campaign. This is where history awaits and needs your brilliant rise. Our class cannot liberate itself without the conscious, articulate, active, and influential presence of you, the youth. This is a fact. Not even a moment’s hesitation is permissible. In families, at work, at school and university, wherever you are, talk to your working fathers and mothers. Ask them to abandon their desire to always remain workers and to be sellers of labor power, and to speak out in their daily struggles about the desire to dominate the fate of work, production, and life. Start organizing your own national anti-capitalist council. Build a powerful anti-wage slavery council movement. With the power of this movement, impose the demands of the day on the owners of capital and the state, and with this movement, advance under this banner until the complete destruction of capitalism and the true liberation of man.
Workers Against Capitalism March 2025