Two hundred homeless German workers that in one of the largest poles of industry , technology and profitability , investment and democracy and human rights !! of capitalism , they´ve been homeless and sleeping in the streets in long time so they decided to be determined and united to challenge their homelessness problem . Contrary to the advice of the parties and unionns , they´ve not taken the path of sit-in in front of the parliament or any governmental insititions of capital , and not involved in this or that ministry at all . They didn´t turn to petitions and didn´t resort to the shrine of the law . Instead of these ugly scenarios of humiliation , they´ve joined hands and become a very small labor might of two hundred people who brought this power into the field for struggling their homelessness . With this current power they intened to occupy the empty and uninhabited real estate belonging to the capitalists and occupied vacant houses and dettled down . We , the anti-capitalist workers , want that billions of homeless workers in the world to learn from their German brothers and sisters . In the city of Tehran alone , according to the beasts of the capitalist state , millions of vacant houses are owned by the dirty pigs , the capitalists . In the same city , several million workers aren´t able to pay the rent for any ruined room even on the edge of the town . A huge crowd of workers who sleeping in streets , in the excavated graves and in the ruins . Why should these workers not occupy the empty houses in the cities and towns ,hand in hand , just like their brothers and sisters in Germany ? and make it their place of residence ?!! They must , can and it´s very vital that they do this , and launch a movement to occupy vacant homes for all homeless people and call on the mass working class to support their movement and impose their anti-capitalist solution for the social problem of homelessness on the capitalist class and its state .
“ Anti-capitalist workers of Iran ”Jan. 2 , 2022