The growing trend of exploitation and accelerated fall of working class to the bottom of lawlessness is so growing, tangible and horrible that fight and deal with it has become to inertia and the natural dynamic of workers´ lives. The realm of life for work-force sellers´ so been narrow that they don’t end a day without strikes, protests and marches. This phenomenon isn’t specific to the working class in Iran, but a global matter and no part of the world under the control of the capitalist system is any exception. This method of production is being practiced all over the world and it has based its sinister evil nature on the uninterrupted exploitation of human beings. It has been so in history and it’s so now and it basically can be nothing but this.
In the meantime, however there’s a toxic approach which states the reason for the inferiority of Iranian workers in the incompetence of managers, lack of knowledge and unprofessionalism of leaders, existence of rents and chain embezzlements, religious regime and similar items. Another aspect which whisper in the ears of the workers about the lack of democracy or its low carat and purity. A little further on some claim to be leaders and pioneers of the workers´ struggles and shouting the only way to salvation in the union and syndicate, and their full-brothers yell for alliance of party and syndicate to ride on the machine of political power. What is happening is the process of hiding the rooty cause of the workers´ misery among the waterless ´ grassy desert is one of the capitalist devious and detours. Workers who have added history lessons to their class consciousness, they´ re well aware that if a small part of the world’s workers in a corner of the world have found a hole to breath and continue their survival, this isn’t the gift of capital ! Or the skill and integrity of managers ! or a good kind of capitalist system ! but owed to successive struggles and the involvement of large numbers of workers have taken on an active, responsible and courageous Rolle in the battle against capital. What is undeniably obvious is that capitalism is in accordance with its habit that will not hesitate to reclaim the privileges that was once forced to relinnquish. The scene of the battle and the inhumane war of capital against the workers has turned into a range of direct military, police and security campaigns to a mixture of thoughts and ideas. With the help of all its dreaded apparatuses and institutions seeks evil benefits from its parliament, democracy and brainwashing apparatus to hide the atmosphere of thinking, reasoning and struggle of human beings. Till the root cause of the misery of billions of working people being hidden, till cover capital with camouflage and
keep it secret from sight, consciousness and understanding of the workers. If a worker in Iran recognizes his way to get rid of the existing misery by resorting to legal struggles through syndicate´ s membership, if the worker for days and months weakens and exhausts his fighting force against government institutions, it’s enough to get head out of the capital made misleading and reflect in his present and contemporary age. Worker looks at Scandinavians, where capital is necessary for its continuity and expansion has put on a robe on a new religion under the name of democracy. Where its unions and syndicates have penetrated very vastly like capillaries into every place and workplace. A point in the world of capitalism, where its colorful and diverse parties from ultra-left to ultra-right fascist tendency are busy legislating. Where all kinds of rights, including right to freedom of expression, right to demonstrate and right to freedom of associations etc. , it plays the role of dense and dark forest that the right to life is lost, invisible and distorted. In Denmark, for example, there’s a law in one of the Scandinavian countries that any strike by workers outside the syndicate and without the permission of the capitalist ruling elites, get prohibited and stamps any strike out of the will of syndicates and government as black and wild strike, and thus punishes the striking workers with heavy fines and gives the capitalist free permission to sue the strikers. Basically, the capitalist system has pre-purchased all rights for controling workers´ movement by creating syndicates. By utilizing all the facilities and institutions of deception to dictate and convince any worker about
that being a worker is normal and being a wage slave is completely fair. If any worker who’s more satisfied, silent and obedient to the orders of the capitalist, it’s more honorable. It wants to make it clear to the workers that within framework of the syndicates and legal protest they can achieve all their demands. Being satisfied with demanding a little more wages and behind all this, never think about struggle against the basis of capital and capitalism, and sanctify the law and sweat happily for the prosperity of the capitalist homeland. Tragedy reaches its peak there that workers lose their consciousness in favor of capital. These workers have lost consciousness, much hotter than the capitalist, calling those few workers who intend to change the current situation to fight legally, in meanwhile sabotage in the process of their protest and strike. As a result, the continuation of this miserable situation is that the European working class which one day frightened the capitalist class to death, now in the abyss of humiliation and obedience to the law of capital, it assigns all previous achievements one after another with abasement. It gets so taming and obeying that in 2021 the coronavirus spread the shadow of death throughout Denmark , the social democratic leftist government re-approve and implement a law passed 52 years ago based on announcing nursing job as non-hard one, and accepted only 5% increase in nurses and health workers´ salaries in the next 3 years.
This is while the dropout rate among nursing students and newly hired people who leave this job after the first two years has increased by 46%. 5000 of these workers by appealing to the law and with the permission and order of the nurses´ union (DSR), on June 19, 2021, they went on strike. A strike which its conclusion and outcome was clear for workers with a minimum of anti-capitalist consciousness. This strike lasted until August 28, 2021 with the aim of earning higher wages and more efforts to equalize wages between women & men working in the medical field. Striking workers according to the world syndicates tradition, sat in front of the capitalist institutions and petition from the government and parliament, the institutions that are founders and guardians of the existing and current social political conditions.
They gathered very obediently on the street corners, but they refused to turn to the sympathetic working class people and ask for support and protection. What they displayed on the street was simply show the parade of despair and exhaustion of their fighting power. A method doomed to failure by the same medical workers in 2008. After a long period of disregard for the strikers by government leaders, finally the Danish Nurses´ Syndicate (DSR) formally requested mediation from the government !! this request received a negative response from the minister of labor and the prime minister in the very first moments, but the next day with the consent of the government the issue was left to the parliament. Parliament which was on summer vacation, by convening an emergency meeting ratified and rejected higher wages and equal pay for working men & women in the field of treatment and considered any violation of this law to be punishable. The strike failed and the syndicate (DSR) issued an order to return to work. On September 8, a small number of infertility and obstetrics nurses went on strike for an hour a day. All of them after heavy fines and summoned to court were forced to remain silent. The strike, the hopes and aspirations of thousands of nurses suddenly went up in smoke. Thus, another corpse of the workers´ legal protests fell to the ground in from of them, and once again another proof of this claim that means disobedience to capitalist law, avoid resorting to the capitalist class, but, practice communicating with other fellow workers and the working class instead. The degenerate syndicalist approach hasn’t been and isn’t limited to nurses and other medical workers. At the time of the corn virus pandemic, no syndicate anywhere in Denmark didn’t force any capitalist to close factories and workplaces. It didn’t bring any improvement in working conditions and no significant amount was added to any workers` wages. The syndicate isn’t an institution other than other capitalist institutions, an institution for the annihilation of any anti-capitalist movement. The working class in Iran and basically the world working class wants a bit of improvement in their living conditions and they must abolish any institution with any real or legal position above their head. The working class must stop fragmenting its class into unions, syndicates and parties, and recognize its great historical power. The working class must target capital and in the form of united and organized anti-capitalist councils and take control of the fate of their work and production.
The anti-capitalist workers of Iran
Nov. 18, 2021
adapted from ” Against Capital ”